Special Delivery , realise en 2022

"I deliver everything that the post office service does not handle." Eun-ha, who is a normal junkyard employee, secretly works as a delivery clerk that deals with unusual delivery requests. One day, Eun-ha heads to Seoul to pick up a client who is involved in a gambling crime that wants to flee overseas. However, Eun-ha meets the client's young son at the pick-up point, instead of the client himself. Kyeong-pil, a current police officer who is actually masterminding the whole gambling crime, chases after the missing child who has the security key to the bank account that holds 30 million dollars. After a long pursuit from Seoul to Busan, Eun-ha fights against the police to protect the child.
Date de sortie en France :

Special Delivery
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La release (dont 1 release sous-titrée)

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VXT Special.Delivery.2022.KOREAN.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-VXT 21/10/2023 Disponible en Z2 1 fichier

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