Entangled: The Race to Save Right Whales from Extinction , realise en 2020

  • De : David Abel
  • Avec : N/A
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Entangled is an award-winning, feature-length film about how climate change has accelerated a collision between one of the world's most endangered species, North America's most valuable fishery, and a federal agency mandated to protect both. The film chronicles the efforts to protect North Atlantic right whales from extinction, the impacts of those efforts on the lobster industry, and how the National Marine Fisheries Service has struggled to balance the vying interests. Entangled, by the makers of Lobster War and Sacred Cod, won a Jackson Wild award, known as the Oscars of nature films. It also won Best Feature Film at the Water Docs Film Festival, Best Conservation Film at the Mystic Film Festival, and the John de Graaf Environmental Filmmaking Award at the Wild and Scenic Film Festival.
Date de sortie en France sur Netflix :

Entangled: The Race to Save Right Whales from Extinction
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