Barbie The Princess And The Popstar , realise en 2012

In this sparkling musical adventure, Barbie stars as Tori, the kind-hearted princess of Meribella who would rather sing and dance than perform her royal duties. When her favorite pop star Keira visits the kingdom, the girls discover they have much in common, including a magical secret that lets them look like one another. At first, swapping places seems like a great idea, until each girl realizes that the other's life isn't as easy as it seems! But Meribella also has a magical secret, and when it's stolen, the whole kingdom is put in danger. Will true friendship save the day? Filled with fantastic songs, fabulous fashions, and fun new friends, it's an exciting musical celebration that shows the best thing you can be is yourself.

Barbie The Princess And The Popstar
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Voir le nfo de la release Barbie.The.Princess.And.The.Popstar.2012.DVDRip.XviD-4PlayHD 4PlayHD Barbie.The.Princess.And.The.Popstar.2012.DVDRip.XviD-4PlayHD 08/09/2012 Disponible en Z2 1 fichier

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