Snarveien , realise en 2009

Explore your worst possible fears in this shocking horror thriller inspired by terrifying true events! Driving back to Norway, Lina and Martin reach a roadblock where a policeman tells them to take a detour deep into the Swedish forest. But soon one creepy incident after another leaves them stranded in the dark woods and everything seems much too bizarre to be accidental. What Lina and Martin don't know is that they are under constant video surveillance and have been cast in the leading roles of a live Internet snuff movie with a definitive end.
Date de sortie en France :

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La release (dont 1 release sous-titrée)

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  Release Dernier fichier Qualite Fichiers
HANDJOB Snarveien.AKA.Detour.2009.1080p.BluRay.x264-HANDJOB 20/04/2024 Disponible en FANSUB 1 fichier

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