The Garden of Sinners: Remaining Sense of Pain , realise en 2008

July 1998: Mikiya finds a confused Fujino Asagami crouched in an alley and noticing she is suffering from pain in her abdomen. Mikiya accompanies her to his apartment where she falls asleep. In the next morning, Mikiya notices Fujino is gone and at the same time, the news report a murder scene in an abandoned underground bar where the victims' corpses were found with their limbs torn off. Shiki appears to confront her. A gift which in turn is a curse. Can they save the confused woman of her strange curse?
Date de sortie en France :

The Garden of Sinners: Remaining Sense of Pain
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  Release Dernier fichier Qualite Fichiers
HAiKU The.Garden.Of.Sinners.Remaining.Sense.Of.Pain.2008.1080p.BluRay.x264-HAiKU 0 fichier
HAiKU The.Garden.Of.Sinners.Remaining.Sense.Of.Pain.2008.720p.BluRay.x264-HAiKU 0 fichier
HAiKU The.Garden.Of.Sinners.Remaining.Sense.Of.Pain.2008.BDRip.x264-HAiKU 0 fichier

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